How To Earn More Money From Google Adsense – Crazy Methods.

G oogle Adsense is the best on the circle and there is no other advertising networks that can result in such a beautiful revenue results.
But the fact is that , you need to tame your ads for your blog in order to yield descent and more than affordable earnings.

If you don’t have a Google Adsense account. Get it approved now.

I got my adsense account approved 12 days back and after all my online experience of 2 years, i understood that adsense is the best ever.
Here are some secret methods that can help you earn more from adsense the best way ever.
Make sure you are aware of these ideas if you are monetizing your blog with Google Adsense.

Traffic is Money

Traffic is MoneyMake sure you have a descent traffic of at least 1.5K+ ( more than 1500 ) traffic per day. More the unique traffic , more the revenue you will earn.
Utilize your traffic sources wisely. Organic traffic can get you high paying ads. Having more traffic can help you via CPM ads which won’t actually needed to be clicked. You will be paid some affordable money from a bunch of thousand visitors.

Write high paying and great quality Niche and Content.

You know that Content is the King , and in adsense too its the same. The adsense system will show ads on your blog related to your content automatically. Means the more content with priority and marketing you write , the more you earn from those ads.
Write the maximum quality out of you.
Include relevant keywords within the article or your page.

Blend your ads wisely.

Blending your Google Adsense ads is an effective method to do. It actually forces or makes a more chance of the reader clicking on your ads.

Place your ads on the right area.

Positioning your ads have a great influence on both your Click-Through rates and Cost per Click rates.
Imagine that you place your drink where you can’t reach it on. You won’t  give a big try to grab it. So making it easier for the readers to integrate will result better.
  • Try to place a 300×250 ad at the right side of your blog.
  • Place a banner ad of 468×60 at the top.
  • And try Text ads in between or inside the content.
Placing an ad where the most eye points in will also benefit.

Make your ads look like your blog content.

Let’s make it simpler. No one like to click an ad out of no reason. Right , na?.
So , what is the benefit of placing an ad that screams out “ Hey I’m an Ad , Don’t click me ” ?
So you need to make your ads look like a part of your blog content and get an increase in your  click through rates.
  • Design your color pallets wisely.
    Make sure your text ad colors looks exactly like the color of the titles and links of your blog.
  • Size your ads wisely by planning the position and all.
    Experiment more on your ads. Try try try and fix a better ad zone.
  • Placing ads inside the content will make a chance of 70% ad click probability.

Make sure you don’t get too advertised which might make the reader disappointed and may jumps out of your blog.

Go White-Hat and Legally.

Becoming an Ethical Blogger is a must factor to earn tough money.
Adsense have all kind of systems which finds out fraud clicks and proxy impressions. They can also review your content.
Asking your readers to click your ads may result in account termination.
Don’t click on your own ads. Let it flow automatically.
Make sure you are not having any pornographic content or which the adsense policy says not to have.
White Hat Ethical Blogger

Write Fresh Contents.

Always write fresh content and don’t copy. Copying articles won’t increase any of the results by any chance.
You need to be honest if you want to be a better blogger and one who can earn more money via it.

Do a little SEO.

Make it easier for the Adsense system to analyze your keywords by using powerful and relevant meta tags.
Always use meta descriptions and meta keywords.
That’s it.
- And the best advice i can tell you to earn more from adsense is Work Hard. You actually need to know what you are capable of and know that blogging is not a get rich quick overnight  scheme.

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About Pravin

Pravin Purohit -Owner And Writer Here. 17 years young blogger and geek.
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